Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ticking Along

Layla is doing great so far! She has graduated to all bottle feeds, and is doing well with that. Since it takes a lot of work and effort to feed from a bottle all day, we are finding that she is sleeping more and taking longer to finish her bottles. Her nurses say that this is normal.
When we go for tonight's visit, we will bring her car seat! I've been waiting on the day they asked us to bring the car seat because that means she is going home soon if all continues to progress at the same rate. With premature babies they test to make sure the baby will be ok in a car seat for the ride home. They will put her in the car seat and hook her up to a monitor to make sure her breathing and heart rate stay normal.
After she passes that test Tim and I will have to come and "room in". They will put us in a post partum room with her alone for the night to make sure that we are able to care for her unassisted. The nurse said we can expect to do that Saturday or Sunday. Then guess what? The next morning she's allowed to go home!!!!
We are praying she continues to eat well so we can have her home by Monday. I'll update as soon as we get the green light.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that she is doing so well!

    I'm praying that all continues to go well & Layla will be home with you guys soon!



These are the years, the gentle years,the soft and sentimental years
when wee little fingers reach and touch
and little eyes gaze with wonder and trust,
when you love so tenderly and so so much,
these are the gentle years.

These are the years, the rainbow years, the quiet, walk-on-tiptoes years,
the years of laughter and smiles and sighs
when both of you watch with misty eyes the tiny bed
where a cherub lies,
these are the rainbow years.

These are the years, the tender years, the blissful, sweet-surrender years,
when your little treasure from above
is the soul and purpose and center of your plans and dreams and dearest love,
these are the tender years.

- Barbara Burrow

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