Monday, August 31, 2009

5 Weeks

Layla got the second in her series of hep b vaccinations. I had been worried and agonizing about it all night.

I knew it would hurt.

I knew she would cry.

What I knew was right.

She cried and it broke my heart. I stood there with a phony grin plastered to my face. The alternative would not have been appropriate in a dr's office for children.

She is resting peacefully now. All 8 lbs 1/2 ounce of her.

1 comment:

  1. Aww poor little mama & big mama too! She's still too sweet for words! =)



These are the years, the gentle years,the soft and sentimental years
when wee little fingers reach and touch
and little eyes gaze with wonder and trust,
when you love so tenderly and so so much,
these are the gentle years.

These are the years, the rainbow years, the quiet, walk-on-tiptoes years,
the years of laughter and smiles and sighs
when both of you watch with misty eyes the tiny bed
where a cherub lies,
these are the rainbow years.

These are the years, the tender years, the blissful, sweet-surrender years,
when your little treasure from above
is the soul and purpose and center of your plans and dreams and dearest love,
these are the tender years.

- Barbara Burrow

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